Friday, April 22, 2016

An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders

An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders

Dear Bernie,

We love you and are working tirelessly to elect you.  We realize it is an upHill battle.  We know you are likely to back Hillary if she wins the nomination.  We respectfully ask that you NOT do this.  As much as we respect you, we Bernie Or Busters will NEVER give her our vote, and our numbers are growing daily.  Doing so means turning our back on the truth and everything we have worked for, everything you represent.

This election has been rigged from its inception.  We have seen huge voter fraud, suppression of votes and vote flipping.  It needs to be investigated by an independent third party, not Clinton backers who have no interest in finding the truth.  It seems apparent from watching the public meetings on the voting issues, that the Democratic elected officials for Hillary are much more interested in covering it up than finding the truth and fixing the fraud, suppression, and the errors.  

We know that Hillary is does not care about Mother Earth and our environment.  From promoting fracking to promoting the use of GMOs and the pesticides that accompany them (and which are killing our honey bees and our soil), she is terrible for the planet.  Global warming is more and more a threat to the earth and our very existence.  With her in charge, I fear nothing will happen with the urgency necessitated by global warming. 

We know what Clinton’s foreign policy looks like.  We have had a taste of it while she was Secretary of State.  A Clinton presidency not only would be a bad for our troops and our country but would likely be a disaster for many countries around the world.  Hillary has been the direct or indirect cause of deaths of innocents in Honduras, Libya and Iraq among other places.  We do not need her policies.  We do not need perpetual war and the human and financial costs associated with it.  She has no empathy for the peoples of the world. We see that with her refusal to even consider the Palestinian people.

We know she lies on the little things:  sniper fire, college loans, immigrant grandparents, $15 minimum wage, being dead broke (with an eight million dollar book advance!) etc.  If she will lie boldly to our faces on the small things, she will definitely do it on the larger things.  Additionally, she withholds and hides information (transcripts, personal server).  One reason behind the personal server seems to have been to avoid the FOIA requests.  Plus, she deleted thousands of e-mails that we now have to take her word  were personal e-mails.  And we are very skeptical of her word. Hillary is anything BUT transparent.   

We want big money out of campaigns and out of party politics.  She is the poster child for big money.   Hillary is beholden to big corporations, special interests and, through her foundation, to countries who harbor terrorists, suppress women and execute gay and lesbians,  countries whose human rights records are abysmal overall.  We wonder why all these countries who received arms deals contribute so much to her foundation?  We wonder if they would continue to contribute large sums if she were not running for president?  The answer seems obvious to us.  We do not feel she will represent We The People. 

Hillary professes to be a feminist and to support other women.  We know this to be untrue because of the way she has handled the women who have accused her husband of sexual harassment, and even rape.  She has chosen to support her husband, a known perjurer, instead of confronting the truth and treating these women with kindness and sympathy.  Instead, she smeared these women and ruined their reputations unfairly while Bill walks around as if nothing has happened.  This is not a woman who supports other women.  Top this off with the fact that the women at the Clinton Foundation also make less than the men.  Significantly less.  Yet she purports to be for equal pay for equal work.

Hillary has never tried to compete on a level playing field during this campaign.  She has tilted the field from the beginning with her relationship with the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Shultz…a bought politician if we have ever seen one.  The DNC is corrupt and that is evidenced by the debate schedule,  the Hillary Victory Fund and the Super Delegates.  She even tilted the field her way with her cozy relationships with corporate America who own the main stream media.  This election has never been fair and she has worked very hard to make sure that it has not.

Lastly, the youth of our country deserve to be heard.  Hillary has insulted them at every turn.  From essentially telling young women that she deserved their vote because she is a woman too, to continually talking down to them and all but ignoring the real issues that impact them, she has paid them a great disservice.   She has been condescending to young black women and even had one who was a paying guest forced out of the event.  Millennials see this and do not approve, nor do we.  Hillary continually treats young people as if they have no substance, which is far from the truth.  They are the future of our country and of the Democratic Party and they can choose to vote and to join the Democrats, or not. 

 In conclusion, we do not trust her.  While we are in agreement with her on a few issues, we are in disagreement with her on the most important ones.  Most of us are not beholden to the Democratic party in any way and will not support her…not even to keep Donald Trump out of the White House.  While we may think he will be bad for America, we are virtually certain that she will. 

The Democratic party is likely to hemorrhage members after this election is over.  It no longer represents us and, if Hillary becomes president, it likely never will.  So, we will write in your name, no matter how futile that may seem if you endorse her, or we will cast our votes for Dr Jill Stein of the Green Party, a party that much better reflects your position on the issues than does the Democratic Party of Hillary Clinton.  But we would rather legitimately vote for you, as an Independent if need be.

Thank you for running and thank you for listening,

Connie Ehlmann
