Saturday, January 30, 2016

No More Politics as Usual

In the latest Gallup Poll as of January 6-10, of this year, Congress has a whopping (NOT!) 16% approval rating. A full eighty percent (80%) think Congress is doing a BAD job. 4% don't have an opinion. But let's not wring our hands and shake our heads. Y’all, this is an election year. We CAN do something about this dismal statistic. In fact, this year we have the power to do more than at any other time in the next four years.
When you go to the polls for the primaries and then the general elections, DON'T blame everyone BUT your own Congressman or Senator. DON'T VOTE STATUS QUO! That's what always seems to happen. We blame every other state’s politicians and not our own. When we vote the same folks back into office over and over again, then NOTHING CHANGES. More than likely, your senators and congressmen/women are part of the problem just like ours in Michigan are. I have been following ours here in Michigan and I KNOW they are part of the problem. I've watched some (one Democrat in particular) slowly turn against the very people who voted them in and seen them support things that will hurt our people and our country. They have lost my support. I'm talking Democrats AND Republicans. (I'm an independent and I vote for the person, not the party.)
Please, take some time and do some homework on your own representatives and senators. See how much they are worth ($$$) and then check their voting records. Are they ordinary Americans or millionaires? Do they really understand the lives of ordinary Americans? More importantly, do they care? Especially look into these areas: Do they want to gut Social Security? Do they vote to support our Veterans? Do they vote to keep our land, air and water healthy? Are they trying to sell OUR beautiful National Parks out from under us? Who do their votes benefit? Is it “We The People” or Wall Street and big corporations and the wealthy? Do they want to regulate Wall Street and the big banks or do they not? Do they want corporations to pay taxes or do they want the shrinking middle class to cover more and more of the burden? What are their ties to companies that sell to our military? You might be surprised (or not).
Don't rely on the politicians' own glossy pamphlets to tell you who and what they really are. You know the ones, the pamphlets they send out every election season in the mail that are all professionally done and have shiny happy pictures and that say what wonderful people they are and how much they have done for you. (Really!!!) After all THEY wrote them to SELL YOU the story of how well they are representing you. Dig a little deeper. Their rhetoric is just that. They can say anything they want. Their VOTES tell the TRUE story.
Don't vote for the same old, same old. As the saying goes, "If you keep using the same ingredients, you're gonna bake the same old cake." We all know that cake is old, dry, and not very nourishing for anyone but the top .01%. WE, TOGETHER, have the power. For once, let's not waste it. Let's actually USE our votes to send the message to Congress that the same old same old isn't good enough anymore. If there are just two candidates this year, I'm voting against the incumbent. I don't care what the political party is I'm voting out, or what the party I have to vote in is. LOL We need to shake 'em up!!! Believe me, they won't go up there an sell us out if they know we're willing to throw them out so easily.
I, personally, think the only way to effect REAL change is to VOTE THE INCUMBENTS OUT! Get some new blood up there in Washington, someone who doesn't think, "We can't do that!" and who is stubbornly against anything that doesn't give them 100% of what they want. With that attitude, we have stalemate...which is exactly what we have. Instead, we need some go-getters. Not these bought-off yahoos that are NOT voting in the best interest of the 99%. Let's get some folks who are willing to work know, folks who know how to come together and compromise and shake hands at the end of the day. Think about it. Nothing would send a message better than a MASS turnover and the new folks would KNOW they had been sent to Congress to make changes.
Oh, and lastly, PLEASE keep your heart open and stay away from any politician of any party who peddles hate and fear or who isn't willing to take on the corporations and the top 1%.
And that, folks, is what I REALLY think! I'm a radical, I know. LOL If you took the time to read all of this, I thank you and you're a true friend. We can still be friends even if you don't agree with me. grin emoticon
P.S. There are a few of my friends whom I think should consider running for public office. I think this because their posts show that they actually do their homework, and have true considered opinions on things...and I don't even agree with them all the time. LOL! But they are highly intelligent, stand-up folks who would do a fine job for We The People: Jay CherryMary SteinbergDavid Gantt Jr. Who better than REAL people to represent US!
I'm Connie Ehlmann and I approve this message!

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